Guide Getting to Thailand is easy!

A guide in 32-page digital format, written by expatriates, explaining in clear and precise terms how to settle easily in Thailand with or without a contract of employment or personal fortune.

In these uncertain times, many French people want to live in other latitudes. The economic and moral crises in the Old World are fueling the ranks of candidates for expatriation every day.

Thailand is among the privileged destinations of those who wish to put wind in the sails. And we understand them easily! Cost of living much lower than in Europe, positive mentality, pleasant rhythm of life, unique natural setting ...

But how many candidates, once the decision is made, abandon their project en route, for lack of having been guided concretely and simply in its realization? How many are discouraged by information that is too general, complex, approximate or outdated, gleaned here and there on the Internet or elsewhere? It is from this observation that was born the guide "To settle in Thailand, it is simple!".

Because expatriate in Thailand is simple and cheap! As you will see from our guide, there are easy and very inexpensive methods to settle in this wonderful country.

"Settle into Thailand is simple!" Guides you through your installation step by step. Written by people who have succeeded in their expatriation and all currently living in the country, it offers you the guarantee of concrete, accurate, reliable and up-to-date information.

The guide is also full of tricks and tips to make your life easier and save you money on a daily basis; With, for each theme, best practices and a series of unusual tips.

  • English
  • ภาษาไทย